
Speaking at the World ENT Conference in Cape Town

I was invited to speak at the World ENT Conference in Cape Town about my experience. I am sharing a short video which is not that good quality because of the bad acoustic in the room as well as poor light.

This is my full speech, please take the time to read it, as this will give a full grasp of my journey, the impact this implant have on my life and how grateful I am to every key player…

#lisemarieshearingjourney Part 5 – Activation day!

Hello Guys

It is time for an update and to conclude my campaign.

I waited a while before I wanted to post this.

My activation was on the 1st of October and this was really an emotional day for all of us. I had my brother all the way from Auckland, my mother and Pieter with me on the day.

As you know my journey is a bit more complicated due to the illness I have in my ears, the otosclerosis. The otosclerosis…

#lisemarieshearingjourney Part 4

Hello Guys

I want to let you know, that my surgery went really well. I am so blessed.

We travelled by car from Cape Town to Port Elizabeth; a 7hour drive and arrived safely on Wednesday the 5th of September. We stayed in a beautiful cosy cottage, booked on Airbnb not far from the hospital. My surgery was scheduled at 8am on Thursday morning, the 6th of September.
We checked-in 6am at Life St. Georges hospital and the staff and nurses were…

#lisemarieshearingjourney Part 2

It’s quite the journey and I am extremely grateful for each and everyone’s support!

I would like to give you an update of my journey so far.

The ball is rolling. I had my first cochlear evaluation done with my audiologist, Deon Ceronio in Bloemfontein, South Africa. Basically, he did a full assessment of my hearing and speech ability, with and without hearing aids. Surprisingly, I have a 60% rating on lip-reading without the hearing aids fitted. It’s just amazing what…

#lisemarieshearingjourney Part 3

Hello guys

We received good news today from my medical aid company! My surgery is approved!

Surgery date is set for the 6th of September 2018.
4 weeks and counting…

About two weeks ago, I had an appointment with the cochlear device company, Med-El. I honestly can say that their team is absolutely wonderful, I feel like family already.
I met with them to discuss the processor. It is a newly launched processor called the Rondo 2. Previously we only had an introduction with…

#lisemarieshearingjourney Part 1


I want to share my (#lisemarieshearingjourney) with you.

This is my story:

At the age of 15 my hearing started declining gradually. We dismissed it initially but we started taking it seriously when I didn’t respond when my mother or father called me. My brother and sister didn’t, they saw it as an opportunity to tease me!

My father took me to an ENT specialist who diagnosed me with a rare disease, called Otoschlerosis. Basically, it means the little bone structure in…